Food And Baverage. hohohoho

Sunday 15 September 2013


Sundae spoon.

·         sundae spoons are longer than regular teaspoons, so they can reach down into
parfait/sundae glasses without your hand getting full of ice cream or whipped
cream, which is usually piled up on top of the ice cream.

Soup spoon.

·         A soup spoon is a type of spoon with a large or rounded bowl, used for
consuming soup.

Serving spoon.

·         To lift, serving, scoop up, or carry with or as if with a spoon.

Dinner spoon.

·         Dinner-spoon is a spoon that you use to eat with and its used with
your hands.

Serving fork.

·         Used to hold and serving food.

Dinner fork.

·         A fork used to eat the main course of a meal.

Fish fork.

·         A fish fork is table utensil that's smaller than a meat fork and is designed
for eating fish.

Cake fork. 

·         Used to eat cake.

Fish knife.

·         A fish knife is table utensil that's smaller than a meat knife and is designed
for eating fish. 

Steak knife.

·         Larger than fish knife and used to eat steak.

Butter and bread knife(BB knife).

·         Used to spread butter on bread and cut the bread


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