Food And Baverage. hohohoho

Monday 16 September 2013

The Cone Napkin Fold

1. Lay the napkin face down in front of you.

2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally.

3. Orient the napkin so the open corner faces away from you.

4. Fold the left-most corner diagonally so the point rests on top of the far corner.

5. Repeat the last step with the right side, bringing this fold evenly along to
the last one.

6. Turn the napkin over, keeping the open ends pointing away from you.

7. Evenly fold the bottom third of the napkin up and press the it down well.
An iron may be needed here.

8. Fold both the left and right sides back and underneath the napkin evenly to
create the finished product seen here.
That looks so nice I bet you just can't wait to smear food on it!


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